Personalized iPS Cell Banking

Human iPSC research is advancing rapidly and there is unlimited potential for these cells due to their ability to be converted into any cell type of the body. It is now the opportune moment for you to create your very own iPS cell bank.

Why Bank Your iPSCs Now?

Cure disease using your own cell-based therapy in future

Contribute to the cutting-edge research in regenerative medicine and drug discovery now

Support the development of precision medicine and help patients in need

Collect your cells now while they are young and healthy.

Create your own personal stock of iPSCs that can be preserved indefinitely

Your iPSCs can be retrieved for further clinical development, when you need them, once iPSC-based therapeutics are approved for use

What can the iPSCs be used for?

Human iPSC research is advancing rapidly and there is unlimited potential for these cells due to their ability to be converted into any cell type of the body.


Human iPSCs can generate pancreatic islet cells, neuronal cells, immune cells, mesenchymal stem cells, cardiac cells, retinal cells and many others. The relevant cell types may be used to address various human disease conditions including diabetes, blood cancers and disorders, macular degeneration and retinal disease, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, ischaemic heart disease and more.

How do I go about banking my cells?

The process is simple. All we need is to collect blood samples from you (no more than what is required for a regular blood donation), and we will take care of the rest.

cell banking
banking ipscs process